
Primary In-charge of Kalyani Central Model School, Kalyani

Primary In-charge of Kalyani Central Model School, Kalyani

A teacher's wish...

A mystery undefined and unsolved is a baby entering the school with tiny footsteps unaware of the path he travels...

And a thousand thoughts will intrigue you as you courageously leave your child to us not knowing what the future unfolds...

You should but know that a teacher would love your angel...

She will love them playing, studying, learning, and growing in the journey called life...

She will know exactly how to paint their minds, guide their thoughts, share their achievements and advice their faults. She will embrace their fears and wipe off all tears.

She will brighten their future with each lesson she teaches and lengthens the smiles as the goal reaches.

It will give her untold pleasures when she leads your child to the learning’s treasures...

And this all will be possible when you share the responsibility. An oath to lead your child to choose the right path wherever he may go...

Every teacher at Kalyani Central Model School, Kalyani works tirelessly to provide the best education and environment for their students.

Mrs. Nupur Mukherjee
Primary In-Charge, Kalyani Central Model School